Inktober 2017 (10-20)

Welcome To My Museum of Art From inktober 2017 Series (10-20) Days.

This My inktober is Style from Furries (Furry fandom) Community.
And The Artwork Style is Drawing By Traditional Arts
Created By David ocktora.
Enjoy ^\\\\^)/////

Day 11 RUN

Yoshi Meet Two Fursuiter Who is in The Event a Central Furries cons.
And Yoshi pickup His Cookies What Yoshi was Cooked that Cookies for Give For that Fursuiter name Retsu toga And Daza.
But Yoshi looking Afraid Near They are 2 Fursuiter...
They Looking Fierce face and Roar Sounds to Yoshi.
"Rrrrrrhhhh" they mean...
" Ehhh?! O\\\O wh...whyyy D: D': " Yoshi Mean...
And They two is Sounds again "Rrrroaaarrhhh!!! "
Yoshi Shocked " UWAAHHHH!!!! O\\\\\O)///// " By Drop his cookies and Yoshi Running.


Yoshi is Busy at Inktober Drawing at House...
Yoshi is Use a Digital painting in Old... Very Old laptop...
But after hard Working Yoshi Drawing and want Save it to Data...
The Yoshi laptop get Broken By Error Reported.
" Sorry!! Your Hardisk is Very Weak!! Please change it To New one !! " Laptop means.

And Yoshi Get Mad and angry..
" Whatttt?!! But..but??? Bbrrrzzzrrggggrhhhttt!!!! " Yoshi means.
And Yoshi find a hammer for Destroy that laptop,Yuki Coming and stopping Yoshi For Do destroy that laptop.


Yoshi & Yuki Want Go Travelling to Other Country,But The Train station is very closed the Time of arriving...
So Yoshi & Yuki fast to go.
But The City is so Sucks By Teeming Everywhere....
Pollution.... Too many Human activity... Too many Vehicles....
Can Yoshi & Yuki arrived to The Downtown Train ???
Only God Know.


Yoshi permission To Go Werewolf Tribute Villages at Wolf's Galla Nearest Villages.
And Yoshi Go Doing get event a Fierce Contest Who is The best Fierce makes Human afraid its the Winner and Get +10 Meat steaks.


Yoshi Come to After Travelling from Kyotovido To Abandoned City Nearest Wanda Ghana (Ghost city)
In there yoshi & yuki want Selfie by Tripod camera.
Be sure Yoshi & Yuki is just two people There,and No Others anybody in Yoshi & yuki back.
But after Yoshi Caught that photo.
Yoshi Get shocked...
In The back of They are...
Is in Right side very seen a Mysterious black man by a Mysterious machine. What that??? It are spy?
Just God know.

Day 16 FAT

Yoshi is keep in Hotel in Who Yoshi & yuki traveller to Napalia city.
But Yoshi Hungry and want Search a Food bar.
Yoshi seen a interest Bar that Name " FOXWOLF BAR & PUB "
And Yoshi enter that Bar and Buy some food so cheap But So Biggest Food and very tall,that Food is Meat by Seasoning creamy that name " Gangster meat " from Created by Foxwolf Canibal who ever killed Gangster and They Sell it to Foxwolf Bar.
Yoshi Eating... The Yoshi stomach makes big...big...and Biggest,So Yoshi Drop at Floor and Crying By Saying His Wife Kitsune Yuki.


( i not Very understand what is Graceful mean ??? Because i translated it to indonesia language is Lemah-gemulai,Anggun. Wait... What it is Lemah-Gemulai ??? What it is Anggun ??? Well So i keep Draw and ignore that... Just think this meaning a Gentle Heart or Warmful or pet someone?? IDK. )

Yuki Go Check Where yoshi is ?? He is must busy at King of Wolf's galla,But Yuki Not seen Yoshi where Yoshi?
After Yuki check at back nearest Fox fufu House.
Yuki Shocked and Looking So Cute at Yoshi.

And Yuki Come...,Yuki pet His Yoshi Hair.
Aawwww Yoshi...
You looking like Huskies and very Cuted!!! Hihihi


Awww...very Gross !!!
Why This Name is put on Inktober 2017 ?!!? Are Jake pauler is love Sexual of porn content?! Or it meaning for NSFW content Rules too?
Filthy is Gross Name,Right?
Well i Don't support NSFW because That Sinners to my Religious and When People not Closed the +18 porn Content in and Websites or Anything.
That is Very Bad for Next Generation of Children under age +10 or +9
It will not Good and kinds for They personality when The childs likes see +18 porn Content in Next-gen when they are mature.
(Be sure will always thinking Negative to all everthing)

So,I am Sorry I can't post something in this Day for some Negative thinking about "Filthy" name.

Translate: English-indonesia
Filthy= Jorok,Tangan kotor,Mesum.

Day 19 CLOUD

After Yoshi & Yuki Go from Mall in Kyotovido.
Now Yoshi & Yuki want Go home.
But The Sky looking Cloudy.
Yuki Sets the Umbrella for Rain attacking the Earth.
But Yoshi worried and see the Sky. Where The Rainy???
I want Jump jump to Dirty !!!
^\\\\^)/// *Yoshi happy by waiting Rain attacking on earth by wearing Rain coat.

Day 20 DEEP

Yoshi Traveller again (oh shit.. Too many Traveller idea xD)
Yoshi Go a Deep cave.
But Yoshi afraid... Because in that Cave too Deep and many Mysterious Sounds at Very Deep of The Cave.
Was what that?! O.O
Uwahhhhhh O\\\\\O)/// i can't Go....huweeh D': i am Afraid...
That...that Sounds...looking someone say my Name...
Huweeeeehhh D"x D':

And i am Sorry My English so bad.... This always Sorry Because i worried My Friends Bored To Contact me about My language is cannot understand D':
Well... My friends so many..
They Come in socmed from variation of Regional (Negara)
Like Thailand,China,America,Japan
And European.
